Wednesday, March 7, 2018

One WIP (Work In Progress) After Another

There is one (maybe more than one if I'm being honest) thing that drives me crazy about myself. I have an idea for an art piece, get started, make good progress, have another idea, get started, make good progress, have another idea . . . you see where I'm going here. I could repeat myself at least 15 times. Fifteen is the number of unfinished projects in my studio within my current line of sight. 

The above piece is an idea that I've wanted to work on for over 4 years. Four and a half years ago I was riding along in the backseat of a car and passed this beautiful little flower shop all lit up, sitting by itself in a dark park on a rainy night. Really. The vision was stunning but I was unable to stop or take a photo so the image has just sat in my mind, waiting. I finally sketched it out on my iPad a couple of weeks ago when I was under the weather and all I could do was sit on the couch.

Here's the actual painting I started last week. It's 17" x 11". This is the base coat done in acrylics.
Dear Painting, I promise to finish you. You've waited long enough already.

I've mentioned before that I will be getting a new website in the not too distant future. I've been trying to work out a logo/home page image for several weeks and here (above) is where I am with my latest idea. Dear Logo/Home Page Image, I will finish you too.

Please stop by next week. Who knows? I may have something done!

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