Sunday, October 8, 2017

Inktober - Shy and Crooked

Here is my Inktober contribution for the word prompt - SHY.
This little guy is so sweet! How could anyone reject him?!

This one is for the word prompt - Crooked. I'm pretty sure my ears are crooked. 
Glasses always tend to sit this way on my face. 

     I skipped a couple of days because I was so darned excited about my dummy books for "The First Pearl". There's always questions about how one should do a dummy book. I am not at all sure myself, but because I am always curious about how others are putting theirs together, I'd like to share my process. I've done a dummy for this story before only to receive a comment that it was too digital looking. Well, it was a dummy. It was not the way I envisioned the final book, rather an example of page layout, character ideas, text placement etc. There does not seem to room in query letters, since they are to be relatively short, to explain myself in this regard. As I am not (yet) an established author/illustrator I thought that this time I would work on it as though I had a signed contract asking for the finished product. I did each of the page spreads in oil paints exactly how I would work if/when fate (or an awesome publisher) smiles on my efforts and wants to launch me into picture-book history. I then photographed the pages, did some digital touch-ups, and added the type. I had the spreads run off at a print shop where I got 100% better looking copies than those on my home printer. Then, I cut the pages in half and with rubber cement glued each on the back of its appropriate partner. I punched two small holes through the book and tied them (very loosely so that the pages turn well) together. I am going to make clear in my query that I am open to editing and art direction. I want them to know I'm flexible, just leading with my best foot forward.
     The discouraging thing is that in reading through the "Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market" book, I find that many of the publishers are saying to not bother sending a self addressed stamped envelope because they recycle and don't return anything. What?!?! These babies weren't cheap! Haha! I guess I have to suck it up and send them anyway.  There's also many publishers who want the submissions emailed. Much cheaper and much greener, which I like, but nothing like holding a miniature book in one's hands.
     So there's my current experience for what its worth and I would like to dedicate these 5 little gems to my wonderful husband who spent time in my studio with me, helping me put these together.

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