I wanted to pick a nice, rainy, spring day to share this one, and that's what we have here in Greenville, Ohio.
Who do you identify with? The baby nestled under its mother's wing? Or the one doing the sheltering?
I think I'm a little of both. I'd do anything to shelter my kids - to keep them safe. My son is 6'5" and we would look ridiculous in a pose like this, but I'm sure you understand the sentiment. I do like taking care of people.
I also like the idea of being taken care of by my mother, an adult who's been adulting longer than I have, but, though she loves me, my mom has made it quite clear to my husband that if he tries to return me, she doesn't want me back. That's my mama for ya! Gotta love her.
Maybe we all should be both. Look after each other when we can, seek help when we need. Weather life's storms together. Be kind.
I did this piece originally back in 2016. It was a prompt back in the good ol' Illustration Friday days. Click here to have a peek. It's been a work in progress on my iPad for a few years now. I'm finally getting around to polishing off a few of those miscellaneous items and just callin' 'em done.
Wherever you are, whether it's raining or not. Have a wonderful day and know that, as a reward for stopping by my blog, I am cyber-sheltering you in my heart.